Co-founder and CTO of Aloi Private Limited, Sonika Manandhar- Winner of Lead2030, SDG 9

Aloi Private Limited is honored to have our co-founder and CTO, Sonika Manandhar as one of the Lead2030 Challenge Winners for Sustainable Development Goals 9 among 11 young leaders from around the world. We would like to thank, One Young World and Standard Chartered for such a huge initiative of Lead 2030 and for recognizing our work.
The challenge is how can we re-imagine solutions to finance the growth of SMEs and trade to unlock prosperity for the world’s communities and to give solutions to this problem. Aloi Private Limited will be working towards it with the support from Standard Chartered. Aloi’s platform works with informal sector micro-entrepreneurs who do not have any collateral or credit history, so they borrow at high-interest rates. Aloi helps them access tailored loan products, increase business income, and automated personalised services, such as business skills support.
By winning Lead2030, Sonika Manandhar has enabled Aloi to expand to 12,000 borrowers and vendors next year. We are more than honored and excited to work with the support of One Young World and Standard Chartered.